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Proptech & Property News

Daily breaking news, features, market intelligence, industry insights, and big proptech founder interviews. Plus, fresh perspectives and directional thinking on trending topics in Proptech and Real Estate. Covering all verticals from the plan, build, sale, lease and management of property assets. A leading educational showcase.

Giving readers analysis, insight and wisdom about what is really happening in the fast-paced world of Proptech & Property. 

PROPTECH-X is compiled with the continued assistance of Proptech & Real Estate founders, thought leaders, c-suite commentators, industry focused editors and journalists. Together with input from academics, research institutions and associated membership and regulatory bodies in the private and public sector. Plus the views of VC’s, P/E’s and Angel investors.

The parameters of the Proptech-X publication are – the digital transformation of real estate. Specifically the property asset and its: Conception – Planning – Construction – Sale – Lease – Management – Operations & Maintenance.

The following is a list of some of the ever expanding issues covered in the publication:

3D Modelling, 3D Printing, Accelerators, Agent Matching, Agent Services, Analytics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Asset Management, Auction, Augmented Reality, Augmented Valuation. Big Data, BIM, Bitcoin, Build. Cad, Chatbot, Chat-GPT, Coliving, Commercial Real Estate, Compliance, Construction, Construction Management, Contech, Conveyancing, Co-working, CRM, Crowdfunding, Cryptocurrency, Customer Experience (UX), Cyber Maturity.

Data Protection, Data Valuation, Design, Development, Digital Twin, Drones. ESG. Facility Management, Fintech, Funding. Geolocation, Geospatial. Home Services. Indoor Mapping, Infrastructure & Sensors, Investment & Finance, Investment Management, Investment Platforms, IoT. Lead Generation, Legal Tech, Leasing Management Software, Lending, Lettings, Listing & Search Services, Location Based Services, Logistics. Marketplaces, Mortgage Tech, Modular. Online Agent Lettings, Online Agent Sales.

Open Banking. Payment Operations. Payments/Billing Tech, Platforms, Portals, Portfolio Management, Property & Infrastructure, Property Management Solutions, Property Marketing platform, Property/Building Management. Real Estate Investment, Real Estate Marketing Solutions, Real Estate Tools. SaaS, Sales & Marketing, Shared Economy, Shared Services, Short Term Rentals, Smart Buildings, Smart Cities, Smart City Sustainability, Smart Homes, Smart Real Estate, Smart Services, Software Providers, Space as a Service, Start-ups. The Shared Economy, Valuation Tools, Venture Capital, Virtual Reality.

Get to Know Us

Andrew Stanton is the Founder and CEO of Proptech-PR, a consultancy for Founders of Proptechs looking to grow and exit, using his influence from decades of industry experience. Separately he is a consultant to some of the biggest names in global real estate, advising on sales and acquisitions, market positioning, and operations.

Andrew Stanton

Andrew Stanton